October 1, 2008


Phew...you know there are times life expects so much outta us..Well rather the other way round...WE expect so much outta our poor life. Its just that there is this feeling in me right now. Something you’ve dreamt of since a long time relatively just flies by you as if you never existed. So just penning down the “oh-I-sulk” factor.
Remember the “Mission Impossible” scene, the one in which Tom Cruise is trying to climb the cliff and just slips off...fortunately for him John Woo (and the green screen technology) didn’t let him slip off...and he gets to do a dozen more frozen stunners. But in life, our John Woo is The One sitting up...watching you and saying “Dude, hang on...theres something better in store for ya!”

Come to think of it...the “SULK” factor busts your ego a bit. There are successes and there are these (not really but) failures in life when you just don’t get what you want. Maybe the future has something better in store- hell yaa thats what people keep saying to you right?

Gosh what I’m writing now is gonna be crazy, its been a lifetime ever since such stuffs have happened over and over again but I never realised it before this time. You want something, you don’t get it and then you get something which is relatively lower but you excel in it. You just perform better than those guys who are with the best and surprisingly you win! You get famous; you are the rock-star. Hell yea man! You are an achiever. Thats life for you...You need to take a chill pill at times. And for all the people sympathising with you ahh...The best part of being down is that you just got one way to go...and that UP!!!

1 comment:

Arvind Kumar said...

This post precisely reminds me of A.P.J Kalam.After passing out as an aeronautical engg he proceeded to pursue his passion of flying and was the only one to get rejected from the final list of 8 candidates for an airforce pilot @ dehradun. I am sure it was a boon in disguise for the country as well the father of "Indian missile technology".Life took a 360 degree turn and he was invited to fly the fastest aircraft sukhoi indigeneously developed in collabration. I understand its your grid and determination how you make the most of what life has to offer you. All the best!!